protection Archives - Groomer to Groomer


Acceptable Animal Handling: Advocate for the Animals

Like many pet professionals, most groomers are shocked and sickened when reading headlines regarding animal abuse at the hands of pet professionals. We dedicate our lives and careers to being good animal stewards and in service to our client’s pets. When that relationship goes afoul, the entire industry pays the price. It is the responsibility of every single professional who chooses to work with a pet to self–police and commit to the protection of that pet when in their care.

Acceptable Animal Handling: Advocate for the Animals Read More

How Safe Are You?

When groomer Paulette Tuunanum, owner/operator of Creature Comforts, began work that fateful morning she never envisioned the horror that awaited her. Creature Comforts is a home-based grooming salon in the quiet, rural community of Fryeburg, Maine.

How Safe Are You? Read More

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