groomer health Archives - Groomer to Groomer

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Groomer TLC

Is this a typical day for you? Get up early, grab some coffee and go to work. You work, work, work, and have a quick donut or energy bar for lunch. Then work, work, work some more, go home, woof down some dinner, and collapse on the couch—then do it all over again tomorrow.

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The Importance of Eating Lunch

I skip lunch” is a comment I’ve heard repeated over and over in the grooming industry. I’m sad to report that pet stylists do skip lunch. Many make unhealthy choices, don’t eat lunch, eat on the fly, or pick up take-out or fast food.
One thing is a given, and this is groomers need to take better care of themselves. Susan Sarris states, “Our eating habits are terrible.” I agree.
Why Do Groomers Skip Lunch?

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I decided many years ago that I wanted to be that old lady that zip lines, jumps out of an airplane, and dances to the wee hours of the morning. But, in order to be in a position to do so, I have found it will be far easier to maintain my good health now than trying to repair decades of damage later on.

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