danger Archives - Groomer to Groomer


When to Send a Cat Home

The grooming industry has been under scrutiny lately with multiple news stories featuring injuries and deaths of pets in grooming salons. Cats are particularly sensitive to the stress, loud noises, and the unfamiliar environment of a grooming appointment. It is important for groomers to recognize changes in the cat’s behavior and health in order to prevent severe injury or death. But, what should groomers look for?

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A Mobile Grooming Hazard
Nothing like driving in the pouring rain with all the windows rolled down… Now why would I do something like that?
While windswept, slightly mussy hair might be attractive on someone who looks more like Taylor Swift;

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How Safe Are You?

When groomer Paulette Tuunanum, owner/operator of Creature Comforts, began work that fateful morning she never envisioned the horror that awaited her. Creature Comforts is a home-based grooming salon in the quiet, rural community of Fryeburg, Maine.

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Personal Safety For The Mobile Groomer

As I was driving down the aptly named Long Mountain Road just after another snowstorm, I looked to the side and half jokingly thought, “If I drive off the road and land in the ravine, I won’t be found until next spring.” The next thought that crossed my mind was, “ Oh crap, if I drive off the road and land in the ravine, I won’t be found until next spring.”

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