working Archives - Groomer to Groomer



Next to “explosive diarrhea” and “matted doodle,” burnout is one of the most feared phrases in a groomer’s vocabulary. Yet, at some point in their career, all groomers must deal with burnout.
We feel it coming on. At first, we just feel tired. Then, we notice that the little things start to bother us.

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Work Within Your Values

Understanding your own management style can provide insight into what you value compared to the reality of what your daily actions are. It is hypocritical to say you value your staff and then put financial gain ahead of staff needs. Turning your daily actions at the shop and in your life, into the values you admire and implement is easier said than done.

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The 60 Minute Spaniel

The old expression “time is money” certainly applies to the job of pet styling. Groomers walk a fine line, trying to groom pets in an efficient manner, without cutting corners or rushing in a way that can cause stress or accidents. After more than three decades in this industry, I have learned to streamline the way I work so that I groom pets rather quickly.

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To Work Or Not to Work

I would probably be the CDC’s worst nightmare. I am one of those who goes to work no matter how high the fever, how sore the throat and/or how delirious I am from the flu. I could single handedly infect the entire western half of the state with my germs.

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